Portugal: Kein Stierkampf Abteilung im zukünftigen Nationalen Rat der Kultur
Appeal by Movimento Anti-Touradas de Portugal
Portugal: MATP “No bullfighting department in the future National Council of Culture”
Please ask the Portuguese Government to drop the creation of a bullfighting department in the future National Council of Culture
Saturday, 6th of February, 2010
The MATP – The Portuguese Anti-Bullfighting Movement is aware that the Ministry of Culture is planning to create a bullfighting department in the future National Council of Culture.
The purpose of this Council and its departments is to be a consulting body to issue opinions on the investment of public funds in the field of culture, so we must oppose that our money, which is used for promoting Portuguese culture, may also be used for encouraging this business focused upon humiliating and exploiting animals.
According to a recent Note, dated 2010-02-03 from the Ministry of Culture: “The National Council of Culture is a consulting collegial body to support the Ministry of Culture as well as its different organisms
and services, and shall function both as a plenary body and in specialized departments as well. Its legal basis foresees the possibility of creating new specialized departments, which prerogative shall be used in order to create the arts and the bullfighting departments.”
So we are before something very, very serious, which is the use of public funds for supporting an activity which is largely condemned by the majority of the Portuguese population and of the international community.
Time has come for us all to say NO, IT’S ENOUGH ! We do not want this cruelty and animal abuse business, namely bullfighting, to be funded with our money coming from our taxes!
We do not want to be accomplices in this dirty move! Weiterlesen »